Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Exploring the Esplanada With Lara

Lara arrived about mid-day, and I took her to the Ministry section of town. We walked to the Museu Nacional, and they still had the really cool art exhibit with metal reflections, but they also had a War and Peace Chinese exhibit. We then went to the Cathedral, and I love seeing the stained glass, but every time I go inside it is disappointingly underwhelming in size.
We walked to the National Congress, and I FINALLY found the free postcards. It only took three times. They send them out for free there too!! We were going to see the cool room with the beehive ceiling, but they stopped visits 30 minutes before- because it was in session I think. We did go into another room, for the senate- and it used to be free access and open to all… until in 2014 people started throwing shoes at the government officials there … so now it’s just tour access.
By time we finished, there was an AMAZING sunset view over the government buildings. We saw the alien looking statue and headed back towards the metro. We ended up eating at a street espetinho restaurant by the Conjunto Shopping, and it was decent.
We metroed back to my place, I made brigadeiro, and we planned out our trip for the weekend.

Photo credit for all of these goes to Lara and her wonderful DSLR camera.

National Theater 

National Theater 

National Theater 

National Museum

National Museum

National Museum





Classic Brittany face 

National Congress

National Congress

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