In 2018, I worked with the 4th year academic writing students in my first year Fulbright experience. I had the pleasure of assisting the afternoon students for the whole year, and I became very close with the class. At the end of my Fulbright year, they invited me to attend their graduation in March. Once I had accepted the Fulbright position to return for the 2019 I knew I had to make it work and somehow return to Londrina for their graduation.
It was a hefty priced airplane ticket, but well worth it. I hopped straight off of the plane, made myself presentable, and went to the graduation stadium. It was pouring rain sideways, and I had decided to walk to the stadium building, but I was lucky to have left an umbrella in Lodnrina.
Getting to the building and reuniting with my students was an amazing feeling. It was entertaining watching them assemble their outfits, which includes the robe, a bib, a sash to tie around themselves, a cape, and a hat. It took about 30 minutes to get everyone made up. Every course has their own color, so the Letras afternoon course was green, and the night course was purple.
Comments about things I noticed at the graduation- they loved mixing in pop-USA music during interludes and a Brasilian live choir. They also had each course beginning at the top of the stadium, and walked in together as a course. Each course was allowed to select about 2-3 professors to have the honor of walking in with them and representing their course. They did not announce each graduate individually, and instead they all stood to repeat an oath and then turned their capes from black to the colored side. They also announce the student with the highest GPA for each course and award them a certificate. Lastly, after the ceremony, the families flood the bottom stage to take photos rather than the students leaving to find their families.
I was so proud to watch my little ducklings graduate, and it feels like all of the hardwork that we all put in paid off. I think this is one of the moments that really makes being a teacher one of the best professions.
The students also invited me to their graduation celebration lunch that weekend. It was at a beautiful restaurant in Londrina called Campo al Fruto, and it was buffet style. We took so many photos throughout the weekend, I was so lucky to watch them receive their diplomas.