Saturday, February 3, 2018

On the Brink of a Packing Frenzy

Do you ever have those moments when something finally clicks? It makes you stop, physically stop what you’re doing, and take a minute to let it soak in. Three more weekends in the USA for a while, including this weekend. Nineteen days and counting! I wish that I could say my Portuguese is better at this point, but Rosetta Stone still has me on phrases like- o gato e preto and os meninos sao cozinhando (the cat is black and the boys are cooking). It’s a work in progress, but I’ve been working on it everyday.

This past week kick started my packing frenzy! While in New York City, visiting Columbia University, I picked up some souvenirs to give as gifts. Then yesterday I went a bit crazy. As ironic as it is, The Christmas Tree Shop is open all year with a little bit of everything on sale, and it had a great clearance sale. I went in with the intentions of getting some stationary to bring, but instead I walked out with holiday themed items to use as teaching materials and a few small gifts. To say the least, I nerded out and laid out all of the stuff I bought when I got home. Yesterday was filled with packing lists, inquiries for opening a bank account, and organizing materials. 

Interesting fact- Brazil also has HSBC, Citibank, and Santander banks, BUT when I talked to Santander they reported that the USA branch is separate from the Brazilian system. This means opening a bank account in the USA would results in foreign transaction fees everytime I used that bank card in Brazil. Tip- if you’re going abroad then definitely check into bank affiliations that limit or prevent foreign transactions and atm withdrawal fees.

Another tip- if you’re looking to exchange foreign currency then start by asking your bank if you can do so through them! I made the mistake when I went to New Zealand to swap money at a currency exchange station in a mall, which resulted in a lot of fees. This time, I went to TD bank and they said that there would be a $7 charge for the exchange, meaning I could take out $500 or $1000 and either way still be charged only $7 for the exchange!

One more thing- we received our orientation week schedule for Sao Paulo, and it makes me so excited. They included dance lessons!! Oh, and time for a coffee break everyday! I’m getting so excited to meet the other 100+ Fulbrighters in Brazil, especially my three other co-teachers who will be living in Londrina with me.


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